Generally when we think we think 80 percent negative. ... normal trend. .... today is full moon day be cautious what you are going to wish for.. wish for positive things to happen..The Universe considers writing more than our thoughts ......
🌙That's why we make abundance cheques on new moon.
10 steps to write 27th Feb 2017 is full moon day
1.) Within 24 or up to 48 hours after a New Moon,
(most potent time) take a check from your check book.
(New Moon dates found here)
(or print out the Abundance checks I created)
Where it says “Pay to,” write your name.
2.) In the little box on the same line where you
would fill in a dollar amount write
“Paid in full.”
(This is already on the checks I created for your use)
You can leave the specific amount open or to try
this out, use any amount you are comfortable to
receive… perhaps rs500 or rs 5000 or rs 500000 or whatever suits your mind Then write on
the memo line “This or something more”
3.) On the line underneath your name, where
you would write out a dollar amount,
write “Paid in full.”
(This is already on the checks I created for your use)
4.) Sign the check: “Law of Abundance”
Under the signature line, write “Thank You”
(I write Thank You on all the checks I write, on
the Abundance checks it’s already there for you!!!)
💸Moreover you may say ....
Why do we sign Law Of Abundance. .... does it make any difference ???
💰All The Universal Laws are within us and in Our conciousness so we can sign as Law Of Abundance
5.) Leave the date blank, or write the word NOW, or you can
date it with a specific date or month that you “believe”
this amount will come to you.
Date..... There is no date..... you may write NOW.. date is related to Mother Earth..... The Universe has its Divine Timing so no dates required
6.) On the Memo Line write a focus statement in alignment with
what you are wanting to manifest.
(you can write more details on the back of the check)
You can write more than one check.
You can write checks for any area of your life! money? New Job.? Increased clientelle? Fulfilling relations? Good health.? And more
We live in an unlimited Universe!
Many times we have beliefs with in our sub
conscious mind that thinks we don’t deserve
something. Using your favorite healing modality,
or tapping or Heart Point Technique can assist you
in releasing these energies that may be holding back
your manifesting
7.) To add some fun and playful energy sing a song
while holding the vision of the item or funds
flowing to you easily and gracefully!
Here is a money money., you are my honey, I love you and you love me, I attract money and money attracts me...
Sing dance whistle and be joyful as if you have received the money
I choose to be Happy while I wait, Happy while I wait,
happy happy happy happy happy while I wait..and smell the cheque and hold it in your hand with positive energy
8.) Sign your name to the back of your new
moon check! As if you are preparing it for deposit to
the Universal Bank of Manifesting!!!
Write out more details below your signature of what you
are wanting
9.) You can place your New Moon Checks on an Altar or place
in a safe place and forget about it. If you want to visually
connect with your checks each day – place where
you can see them. Remember to LET GO!
The Universe will take it from there.
(Get out of the HOW)
Later (after 2 weeks or longer) you can burn
the check on one of the upcoming Full Moons white light, expressing Gratitude
for receiving abundance in your life while the check is burning.
If you are manifesting a big dream
you can hold those checks until it manifests or release
them each month and write out new
checks from a different perspective.
Many people are skeptical about trying this until they do it.
After the first time they realize the power of these
checks and do them routinely every month!
Try it yourself and see! Notice over
time how your income increases, or
things come to you “out of the blue”
or you get a great deal or an item
you have been wanting is gifted to
you. Abundance comes in many
forms. Be open, ready, willing to RECIEVE and ALLOW!
If you enjoy this ritual, do it for the next three New
Moons and see what happens.
Everything is energy and energy is
abundant and unlimited!ABUNDANCE CHECKS
ready for use!
Loving to see you becoming prosperous
Your coach towards more money
Roop Lakhani