
Emotional Anger - Day 10

By Roop Lakhani - 08:00:00

Most of the people get angry over small, simple and silly matters which not only harms the self physically and emotionally but also disturbs the whole atmosphere of the office and home besides irreparable loss in cordial relationship.

Anger is a choice as well as a habit.
Which one is yours, choice or habit?

Small irritations lead to frustrations and then to anger. It is learned reaction to frustration in which you behave in ways that you would rather not.  After loosing anger, many people realise and say sorry. Many people regret and cannot apologise. Many people feel anger serves their purpose to get things done and feel happy.

In fact, severe anger is a form of insanity. Therefore, when you are angry and out of control, you are temporarily insane.
How many of you would like to accept and recognise your insanity without ego taking over??

What if you had no anger, who you would be, and what energies you would create being calm and more productive?
In this series, you will find many posts matching your Anger emotions and tool or so called Action Plan to get over this emotion. 

Emotional Awareness is the ability to recognise and make sense of not just your own emotions, but also those of others. Being aware, one can make better choices. And better choices means better actions and better desired outcome.

Emotional Awareness helps to solve problems in life by understanding emotions, such as being able to regulate your own emotions and cheer others up when they are feeling low. Emotional Awareness helps one make decisions that then help towards highest growth. It also means you can predict emotions in advance – you know what actions will lead to what emotions and this means you can make better choices accordingly.

CALL me to learn more about Emotional Awareness for your life – Roop Lakhani

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