How much of competition and Comparison can help us
Competition and comparisons if used well can forward you in life..
I was walking on Carter road one evening and I noticed a person about half a km ahead of me.
I recognised he was walking a little faster than me, and I liked his speed of walking and that made me feel motivated to walk fast.
I said to myself, I will try catch up his speed and maybe that would help me walk faster
So I started walking faster and faster, copying how fast he walks. Every few seconds, I was becoming little fast in walking but he was much ahead. Continuing the chase, after just few minutes, I was only 5 steps away as I really picked up the pace and pushed myself to be with his pace.
I was determined to catch up with him. Finally, I did it! I felt good I could pace faster looking at his pace of walk and I told myself, "yes, I did it."
Suddenly a thought crossed my mind
Was I competitive? The answer was yes and no.
Was I comparing myself ? The answer was yes.
Was I self critical that I walk slow? Answer was it was just an awareness that I was slow relatively. It was not self criticism to beat up myself.
Then I came with an awareness..many a times we compare ourselves and beat ourselves, or make ourselves feel inferior and sabotage our ownself.
With these awareness, I started checking many other aspects of myself, where am I feeling inferior.. and we became successful in self reflective transforming self talks
Many a times people do not like to show up in public with a fear of how they would sound or look like? What if they are not perfect? What if they are judged or criticised by others? Might as well not to show up is a better way!!
Many a times people are scared to express freely to others. They come up with a fear what if others are hurt.
Many a times people feel not to speak the truth and hurt others.
Many a times we do not like to go out with certain set of people and we give excuse, my head is paining or my child is not well..
Sometimes giving excuse helps you in saying white lie and avoiding some situation going worst...
But it is good to look at excuses if they are the reason of your failure or poor wellbeing or lack of abundance or lack of fulfillment..
Often excuses such as, 'i am not as good as them', 'i am too busy, I don't have time', 'if I do this I am uncomfortable' and more
Understanding your reasons to give excuse talks about your mindset and attitude... Also it talks about how much are you aligned to the goals you wish to achieve.
This would be best if we can self introspect and do self reflection to understand our deeper needs and desired goals.
Once we understand our own selves, there is a self discovery that will take you towards self confidence.
People often are ignorant or confused or not ready to go deep within. For such people there can be their blindedness or overconfidence or ego stops them to go deeper inside...
Today check for yourself?
What goals are you not been able to achieve?
What are the genuine reasons or lame excuses that stops you in teaching your goals?
What is really possible by you that you are not ready to do it?
What can you really make it possible to do that will help you to reach desired goals?
What is the first baby step action required to do?
By when would you know you can reach your desired goals?
Once you do it, pat your back that you have succeeded doing it..
If you are half heartedly reading the above article, ask twice to yourself, are you really happy be n life doing what you are doing?
If you are reading this article and if you are rushed with some insights, I want you to note down and take some actions on it..
And if you are feeling light, and if you are resonating with this article, and you still dont know how to start and how to go about, I , Roop Lakhani can surely help you take the initiative
And still if you want hand holding baby step actions, you are free to ask for consultation, my name is Roop Lakhani
Mob 9821612031