It is nice to connect with you like this.
September 2020 is a month of paradigm shifts as the full moon is in pisces sign, one of the most intuitive sign.
9 plus 2020 = 13 = 4..
In tarot cards 4 is ruled by Emperor, ruled by Mars, symbol of power, stability, structure, fairness, protection and more.
In astrology , 4 represents rahu. Rahu represents materialism, mischief, fear, insatisfaction, obsession and confusion. Rahu is also associated with politicians and occult sciences.
In numerology, Number 4 people are often seen as builders and workers of the society. They are determined, serious, practical, disciplined, and hard working, focussed, down-to-earth, hardworking and grounded.
The September month energies are asking you to BE YOUR TRUE SELF. You are exactly where you need to be, you have been conditioned in many ways that takes you away from your true self. Recognise all the fears that does not allow you to be your true self and remove all the mask which keeps you in pretense.
You need to feel light and relaxed. Know that you are healing, you are shifting, you are moving through and creating a new paradigm. Dive deep into the realms of the subconscious, quantum, deep unraveling into the mysteries of life, and tuning into the inner magic to shed what is inauthentic with who you are.
I really feel that March, April, May, June, July, August month has prepared us to go through chaos for renewed self. Despite of all chaos we have gone through, an evolution of consciousness is blooming inside of us. We are ascending now, first shedding old layer by layer - revealing the truths that need to be revealed, shedding, releasing, and coming back into full remembrance of WHO WE ARE.
Mars retrograde starts September 9th, and we would see Mars energy flip.
Venus and Mars, feminine and masculine energies are interconnected in us as yin yang energies. The full moon in pisces is real emotional and intuitive energies asking us to lurk inside Venus plays into traits such as emotion, beauty, relationships and love. By contrast, Mars rules "masculine" traits such as aggression, sex, action, and desire.
Mars tends to bring out our more angry, active and aggressive side that teaches us what we're ready to change, transmute and transform. Career, ambition and sex life is taking first priority. It teaches us many things but the main thing is to not sit on our intuitive nudges but ignite our fire and go for it anyway!
How can you go all in?
Where are you playing one foot in, one foot out when it comes to ambition?
What needs to be focused and honed in like a laser in your career, work, business, profession and job?
What do you feel when it comes to DESIRE and your desires in life? how many of them are burning desires which can take off?
How is romance, sexuality, and sex drive needs your attention?
Mars will be highlighting these aspects and asking you to plan, prepare and priortise your plan of actions.
Any ways in all these don't forget to be grateful, mindful and meditative person.
Hoping to see you all much conscious True Being,
With much love and gratitude
Roop Lakhani
Intuitive Healer, Transformation Coach, Guiding Tarot card Reader