Determination Is In Your Hand
By Roop Lakhani - 11:07:00
*Determination is the best companion*
Often things do not go the way you want. When things does not go as per your desire, either there is discomfort or anger or fear.
This leads to blocked energies within. This leads to stagnancy and no growth.
What is the best way out? Be clear. Take help of experts. Create a mindseed
Mindseed: When I have to get going, create a solution, all what I need is clarity and determined thought. I need to take the right action in right time, letting go of What I don't need. This will help me overcome my fear and move towards success.
*Roop Lakhani* 😇
_Consultant, Counselor, Coach, Healer_
💡 _*Mindseeds*_
🔮 _*Empowering and awakening you*_
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