How disciplined are you
By Roop Lakhani - 09:43:00
*How disciplined are you?*
I know people who have made their millions because they were not disciplined. I know people who have gained weights because they were not disciplined to eat right food. I know people who have regretted in later years of their life for not doing yoga and exercise just because their body was not supporting in last few years of life!!!
Does it ring the bell??!!
If any time you fail to reach your goals, one of the factor responsible is self discipline.
Self discipline means self control, inner strength, and control of yourself and your reactions.
Self-discipline allows you to stay focused on your goals. It enables you to stay in control of yourself and of your reaction to any situation.
From the food you eat to the amount of exercise you do, to amount of money you save, is all dependent on how disciplined you are.
It is like a muscle: the more you train it, the stronger you become. Disciplining allows one to make wise choices, making priorities and set goals and achieve them too.
This skill enables you to persevere with your decisions and plans until you accomplish them.
Self-discipline becomes very powerful when combined with goal-setting, passion, and planning.
It is a power that helps you stay motivated and build up good habits and get rid of bad ones.
*Roop Lakhani* 😇💡 _*Mindseeds*_
_Consultant, Counselor, Coach, Healer_
🔮 _*Empowering and awakening you*_