do you have qualities of generous person

By Roop Lakhani - 12:22:00

*Do you have qualities of  generous human being?*

You can forget beautiful people's face but you can never forget *generous* people's face. The five pillars of generous people are:

Generous people are altruistic, helping, helpful. They give without hopes of receiving compensation for their good deeds. The personal gain is not their motivation behind being generous.

Generous people are idealists. As optimists, they see the world in a different light than others. They truly believe that the world, although not perfect, can be made into a much better place.

Trust is a major quality amongst the most generous people. They trust completely that their cause is a worthy one, and they trust that the people involved with that cause will do their best to help achieve the goal.

These individuals devote their energy to the good that they want to do.

Most generous people are ready to stand up and lead for their cause. 

*Roop Lakhani* 😇💡 _*Mindseeds*_
_Consultant, Counselor, Coach, Healer_
🔮 _*Empowering and awakening you*_

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