Some Habits Are Good
*Self care*
Self care is a deliberate action one takes to break free from stress and boring routines to respite from the outside world and commune with your own soul whispers.
Regular self-care helps you by giving you a chance to process your life, experiences and feelings. Without stopping to do this, you become the person like the machine, hit over and over again.
Everything you do deliberately for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being is self care. Sounds simple, right??!! Yet difficult to practice!! Many of us pay little attention to self-care, thinking self care is selfish. Self care is you choosing yourself the priority whether doing morning yoga inspite of difficult schedules or doing meditation much after your whole day full of hectic schedules. It can be even making important decisions for your wellbeing, diet or exercise or booking a massage when you feel you need one.
Why is it important? Self-care encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit the good feelings to others. You can give what is your best. You cannot give to others what you don't have yourself. It is like charity begins at home.
You're reinvigorating yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself for the people around you. Everyone around you also benefits from the renewed energy and joy you exhibit.
Read the 8 dimensions of self care in next post.
Enjoy you taking care of yourself
Roop Lakhani