When I asked various people on Independence day, *What is it that you wish to FREE YOURSELF FROM ???*
I read some answers as
🌟I wish to free myself from the limitations of my mind and its stagnancy. I wish to progress on my spiritual journey and explore all the possibilities
🌟 I wish to free myself from all the negative thoughts and negative people around me. I wish to be positive in any and every situation
🌟 I wish to free myself from any thoughts that stops me from growing and succeeding in life
🌟 I wish to be free from all hurdles and hindrances that are stopping me to grow and run towards my goal
🌟 I wish to free myself from that inherent anger stored in me
🌟I wish to free myself from unclear and uncertain situations and get clear and assertive
🌟 I wish, I become what I think and I move towards my goals.
🌟 I wish to free from my fear of success and failure
🌟 I want to free myself from the thought
“I am not enough”
🌟 I wish to free myself from lots of confusion that creates in my mind
🌟I wish to free my self from procastination
🌟 I wish to free myself from feelings of lack of time
🌟I wish to take responsibility for my happiness and growth.. I wish to stop searching outside of me.
🌟 I wish to free myself to not give-in the power to others but take responsibility to empower myself by being mindful of my state
🌟 I wish to free myself from laziness and achieve my goals
🌟 I wish to move on from what's not serving me good anymore.
🌟I wish to take responsibility for my life, my happiness and my health.
🌟I wish to stop punishing myself for the mistakes in my past
🌟 I wish to be free from all burden of keeping relationship with relatives and self imposed restriction and regulations.
I think that shall make me free from all mental burden and anxiety and explore my true potential spiritual and social
🌟I wish to free myself from pleasing others
🌟 i wish to free myself from laziness and insecurity
What's your wish?
Today, sit with your wish
Practice meditation for few minutes
Take few deep breaths in and out
Blow out from your mouth
And intentionally think this thoughts are no more the same wishes you wished
They are changing
They are changing for creating the desired reality
You are going to be courageous and will powered to take some actions from tomorrow to fulfil your wishes
Visualize that, this wish has manifested and you are living the life of your choice
Wishes all your wishes are manifested and you are taking charge of yourself
Roop Lakhani