The power of choice

By Roop Lakhani - 10:30:00

The Power of Choice: Are You Creating Your Reality or Just Wishing for It?

In life, we are constantly surrounded by opportunities to choose. Every day presents us with decisions—some small, others monumental—that shape our journey. Yet, many of us remain stuck, feeling like we have no control over our outcomes. Why is that? The truth is, we always have a choice, but sometimes, fear, doubt, comfort zones, or procrastination hold us back from making the decisions that could transform our lives.

The question we must ask ourselves is: are we actively creating the reality we desire, or are we simply engaging in wishful thinking?

The Illusion of No Choice

It’s common to hear people say, “I don’t have a choice,” when faced with tough situations. But here’s the paradox: not choosing is a choice in itself. When we avoid making decisions, we allow circumstances to dictate our path, often leading to stagnation and dissatisfaction. Whether it’s fear of the unknown, a lack of confidence, or a simple attachment to comfort, something is keeping us from stepping into our power.

Take a moment to consider this: How often do you tell yourself that you “can’t” do something? Is it truly a lack of ability, or is it fear disguised as a reason?

Excuses vs. Reasons

Let’s dive deeper into this. We all have reasons why we don’t act. But how often do those reasons turn into excuses that justify staying in the same place? An excuse tells us, “It’s too hard,” or “I’m not ready.” But the reality is, there are very few reasons that genuinely prevent us from making progress.

An excuse gives us temporary comfort while robbing us of long-term growth. A true reason, on the other hand, can be addressed and worked through. The difference lies in how honest we are willing to be with ourselves about what’s really holding us back.

So, ask yourself—are you holding onto excuses, or is there something real you need to confront before you can move forward?

Wishful Thinking vs. Creating Reality

Many people live in the realm of wishful thinking. They dream of a better job, a healthier relationship, or a more fulfilled life. But dreams, while beautiful, will never materialize into reality without action. Simply wishing for a change does not make it happen. We must choose to act, to step out of our comfort zones, and to embrace the risks and rewards that come with creating our desired reality.

Wishful thinking is passive. Creating reality is active.

Here’s the truth: no matter how much you dream or wish, the only thing that truly changes your life is what you do. If you aren’t seeing the outcomes you desire, it may be because your actions aren’t aligned with your dreams. Are you choosing to create your reality, or are you content with wishing for something different?

What Holds You Back?

It’s important to take a moment and reflect: what’s stopping you from making the choices that could lead to your desired reality? Is it fear—fear of failure, of the unknown, or of rejection? Or perhaps it’s self-doubt, where you question whether you’re capable or worthy of success.

Sometimes, it’s simpler. We get comfortable. The discomfort we know feels safer than the uncertainty of change. Procrastination, too, plays a role—telling ourselves that we’ll make that choice later, when the time is right, when we’re more prepared, or when life feels easier.

The reality is, the perfect moment to choose rarely arrives. And waiting for it only keeps us stuck in a cycle of indecision.

The Moment of Choice

Every choice we make—no matter how small—has the potential to move us closer to or farther from the life we want. It’s easy to let fear or procrastination take over, but the truth is, we have the power to break free from that cycle.

The moment you consciously choose to take control of your decisions is the moment you step into your power. It’s the moment you stop living in wishful thinking and start creating your reality.

You don’t need to make massive changes overnight. Even small, consistent choices can lead to significant life transformations over time. The question is: what will you choose today?


At every stage of life, we are faced with choices that either lead us toward our desired future or keep us stuck in the same place. The power of choice is in your hands—if you dare to use it.

Will you continue to live in the space of wishful thinking, or will you choose to create the reality you desire? Remember, the moment of choice is always in front of you. It’s up to you to step into it.

Self-Reflective Questions:

1. What is one area of your life where you feel stuck? What choices are you avoiding in that area?

2. What fears or doubts come up when you think about making a significant change in your life?

3. Are you living in a space of wishful thinking, or are you actively making choices to create the reality you desire?

4. What is one small step you can take today to move toward the reality you want?

5. If fear, doubt, or procrastination weren’t factors, what would you choose to do differently in your life right now?

6. How comfortable are you with your current situation, and is that comfort keeping you from making necessary changes?

7. What is one decision you've been postponing that you know will positively impact your life if you made it today?

I  invite you all for powerful thought provoking introspection to examine the choices you make—or avoid making—due to fear, doubt, or procrastination. 

The question is, "Which one is yours?" directly encourages self-awareness. By asking whether the individual desires a wishful dream or a concrete reality, it pushes them to understand that choices are the first steps toward manifesting real change.

If you're crafting this into guidance or coaching, you might follow it up with actionable steps, such as:

1. Identify the blocks: Is it fear, doubt, comfort zone, or procrastination holding you back?

2. Visualize the desired outcome: What does your reality look like if you choose to act?

3. Take the first step: What small choice can you make today that moves you closer to your goal?

Check for yourself 

To you making powerful choices 
Roop Lakhani 
Your empowerment guide
Your transformational catalyst

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