Three storms of life

By Roop Lakhani - 10:44:00

The three storms of life: 

What we see, hear, and perceive can profoundly impact our emotional and mental well-being. When these experiences are unsettling or misunderstood, they can create significant internal and external turbulence.

1. When You See Something and It’s Not Okay

Impact: Visual experiences can leave a lasting impression, triggering feelings like hurt, anger, or betrayal. For example, witnessing disrespect or dishonesty may deeply affect you.

Managing the Storm:

Reflect: Ask yourself why this bothers you. Is it challenging your values or expectations?

Respond, Don’t React: Instead of immediate judgment, give yourself time to process before taking action.

Perspective: Consider if what you saw was a moment out of context or if it reflects a larger issue.

2. When You Hear Something and It’s Not Okay

Impact: Words, whether spoken to you or overheard, carry energy and emotion. Hurtful or harsh words can lead to resentment or self-doubt.

Managing the Storm:

Pause Before Reacting: Take a moment to breathe and avoid responding from a place of hurt.

Clarify: Miscommunications happen. Seek clarity before concluding someone’s intent.

Boundaries: If certain conversations or tones are consistently hurtful, it may be time to set boundaries with those involved.

3. When You Hear Something and There’s a Misunderstanding

Impact: Misunderstandings can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, or unnecessary conflict. They often stem from assumptions or incomplete information.

Managing the Storm:

Communicate: Approach the person involved calmly to understand their perspective and share yours.

Let Go of Ego: Be open to the possibility that you may have misinterpreted the situation.

Choose Peace Over Being Right: Focus on resolution rather than proving your point.

Roop Lakhani 

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